Sunday Masses & Weekday Masses

SATURDAY 5:00 p.m.

SUNDAY 10:00 a.m.

Tuesday to Friday at 8:30a.m. in the chapel
(Friday adoration will follow 8:30am Mass until 10:00am)

 Please arrive in time for the start of Mass.

We look forward to seeing you at Mass.

If you are new to our parish and plan to make us your spiritual home regularly. Please fill out a blue registration form located at the church entrances. You can complete and return by collection plate, drop off in our mailbox or hand it to Fr. Joe and introduce yourself.

When looking for any sacramental celebrations such as baptisms, first holy communion, confirmation or weddings, we check our parish records for your registration. Please note that if you do not live in our geographical boundaries (unless you are registered), we will ask you to obtain a sacramental permission form from your home parish. Many parishes have one priest to provide ministries for their members while other parishes depending on the number of registered families may have more than one priest to assist.

If you are looking for a personal reference, you must be a registered member of the parish. It’s always good to volunteer at the parish so that Fr. Joe can get to know you. There are many ways you can assist without a big time commitment.